Christmas Party ought to be a fantastic time of fun and celebration for all staff. They can, however, raise a load of considerations for Human Resource professionals. More than 78% of business owners attest to having encountered problems arising from a Christmas get-together. Taking careful steps to avoid issues is imperative. Being mindful of the diversity of employees and trying to balance inclusion while ensuring that people know it is not mandatory to attend is a worthwhile fine line to tread. Remember, not everyone likes parties nor celebrates Christmas!
Clarity around Conduct & Dress code
Offering clear directives on appropriate conduct and dress code is important. While making the events the environment appropriate, safe and inclusive for all security proposes. Remember, it’s an office Christmas party not a pub crawl! Consider adding a meaningful team building activity that structures the event and has the added bonus of bringing mindfulness of appropriate conduct to participants in a natural, less authoritative way.
Networking & Building Relationships
With an increase in remote teams and home working, for some businesses, Christmas is a key time of the year for people to get together face to face. Look for ways to build relationships and strengthen existing bonds. A memorable end of year party can be vital in retaining key members of staff. It is also an ideal opportunity to reinforce key values or accelerate networking by incorporating a strategically aligned virtual team building activity.
Outcomes, timeframe and location
Selecting the right employee engagement activity hinged to carefully forethought outcomes is essential for full engagement and a positive result. Whether you are looking for a Christmas party idea to break the ice, stimulate conversation or kick start celebrations there are plenty options available. If you work consistently with a team building organizer, they will know your group and understand your company’s overall vision and culture making the process much easier.
Giving Back
In the true Christmas spirit, there is a growing tendency towards CSR and charitable team activities where employees can directly impact the community and “give back” to other underprivileged groups. Research shows that employees appreciate these types of initiatives and, ultimately, actively participate in team-building activities that serve their legitimate goals. There are many such programs to choose from, such as bike making and toys for underprivileged children, miniature golf courses made from packaged foods that eventually go to local charities, and tree planting programs.
Let’s plan your Corporate Christmas Party NOW! Give us a call on +919891406080 or Email Us:
Tags: Christmas partieschristmas party ideasChristmas party organizersemployee engagementEmployee Engagement Companyteam buildTeam Buildingteam building activities for christmasTeam Building Companyteam building gameteam work