The Best Ways Of Virtual Events Are Better Than Physical Events

virtual event planners

PINGPONG MOMENTS is a well-established Virtual Events planner/Event Company in Gurgaon. We offer a range of creative ideas and unique event solutions to suit every need and budget.

We provide event management services like sports events, public events, inaugurations, annual functions, corporate parties & many more. We also ensure to assist you in planning an unforgettable experience for your guests. Our expert team of event organisers keeps all your objectives like with glorious decor, best theme, and best venue along with the best menu on top of their mind to deliver the best quality.

Now the technology is change and our work of style is also changed in the digital event platform. Virtual event planning comes in many formats. It could be a seminar with one person taking the stage, or it could be more like a trade show or workshop.

A virtual event platform should cater to all your virtual event management needs like managing attendee registrations, payments, and live streams in one place.

If your budget allows, you can also hire a design firm to create a personalized theme or “storyboard.” This includes a visually attractive background and an easy-to-use navigation system for both the staff and guests.

We’re saying online events offer many advantages over physical events at any time — and there are very good reasons why they should be part of your regular event program.

We love a good digital event at PINGPONG MOMENTS. Every day we help customers stage brilliant webinars, conferences, internal Town Hall-style meetings, workshops, investor events, online TV shows, and industry briefings — you name it.

Here are 10 of the best things about virtual events that face-to-face events can’t match.

Physical location (and time zone) is no barrier to attendance

A little obvious in the current circumstances, but this is the No.1 advantage virtual events have over face-to-face gatherings: it doesn’t matter where you’re physically located, or what time zone you’re in. As long as you can connect to the internet, you can attend an online event.

They’re great for busy people

People are busy, and sometimes the very prospects or customers we’d love to come to our events just can’t make it because they’re already committed to half a dozen other things, or something crops up at the last moment.

Virtual events are very cost-effective

Face-to-face events need to be staged somewhere. That means you’re looking at venue hire costs, catering, and drinks at a minimum.

Not only can you avoid those charges for your digital events, but you can also charge less for tickets because your costs are lower, thereby increasing your pool of likely attendees.

They’re low-risk

Digital events are low-risk when it comes to some of the factors impacting the way offline events can be staged at the moment.

You can cast a wide net for talent

Just as attendees can come from anywhere, your event is no longer limited for talent to speakers who are residents in your city or country. Your presenters can dial in from anywhere, which instantly opens up your available talent base.

If time zones are inconvenient, you can always pre-record one presenter and roll the video during your live event — or just pre-record the event and broadcast it online as-live.

Online events encourage interactivity

It might feel like face-to-face events are inherently more interactive: you travel there, you talk to someone at the registration desk, you chat with someone while you get a coffee, and maybe you even ask a question after the presentation.

But we beg to differ. Online events encourage a broader range of meaningful interactions — including online poll questions to chat functions on your webinar platform. Even people that shy away from asking questions in a live setting will respond to a poll or submit a quick question in a chat.

On top of that, you can ask attendees to rate your event before it wraps to get immediate feedback, send follow-up resources and the event recording, and continue to have a relationship after the event.

You can’t pause or rewind a face-to-face event

Face-to-face events undeniably offer some advantages — the atmosphere in the room, in-person networking, free coffee or drinks, a chance to get out of the office or bump into old colleagues, and so on.

But you can’t pause or rewind a face-to-face event and watch it again. Unless it’s a hybrid event that’s being offered live in a physical venue and online, in which case it’s already a digital event.

Additional resources are at your fingertips

Who pays a lot of attention to those flyers in a delegate bag or on your chair seat? With a virtual event, you can not only offer your slide deck available in the additional resources via your webinar platform, but you can also provide other in-depth information sources such as eBooks, white papers, links, and so on.

Sponsors are just a click away from the audience

It might seem like it’s hard to make it worthwhile for sponsors to get involved with an online event, but actually, the reverse is true. Check out the 21 ways you can provide value to sponsors of your digital event.

Virtual events are highly measurable

If you ask your audience to rate all your events as you bring them to a close, you’ll be left in no doubt — in fact, you should be able to say how much more they liked it (or didn’t).

Digital events are made to be measured. Your attendees are already online and in front of their computers. You can track preferred speakers, get ideas for future event topics, measure engagement via online poll responses, and so on. They’re very accountable. In most cases, it’s much harder to collect the same information from physical event attendees.

At PINGPONG MOMENTS, we run more than one decade of virtual event organiser. Contact one of our event managers if we can help make digital events part of your regular event program.
